Thursday, October 08, 2009



: Where will we be in 2020......? (Must Read)

Please read this email as it is very well-written and easy-to-understand....

especially the last few paragraphs, which makes a lot of sense .

Where is our direction for our next generation..?

For those who started work around 1973, a 1.3 Litre Japaness car was RM7,000.

Today the equivalent is.... let's say RM60,000.......8.5 times

In 1973 a double storey house was about RM45,000..or less.

Today it is about RM300,000............6.6 times

In 1973 an Engineer's pay was RM1,000 .

Today it is about RM2, 000+/-............2 times....

>From 1973 to 2008........35 years......what is the Trend?

Bearish !!!!

In a stock market when the trend is bearish, what do we do? ..Exit !!!

When a country's trend is bearish what do we do?

This Bearish trend is more difficult to turn around as compared to the stock market.

I have used these 3 items : House, Car & Salary as a measurement of the country's performance for the past 35 years....

Foreigners also ask about these 3 items to gauge our standard of living.

There is a book I saw entitled :
" Malaysia : The Failed Nation".

Some of you may be interested to read it. I agreed with the writer.....

This morning I was having coffee at McDonald (now the coffee..100 % Arabica quite good@ RM refill !!

I asked how much per hour is their pay?

RM3.00 x 8 hours = RM24 per day x 25 days = RM600 per month

My daughter works part-time during her University days..she worked at Gloria Jeans Coffee.... the pay?

Australian $14.00 @ 3.15 = RM44 per hour x 8 = RM352 per day x 25 days = RM8,800 ...13.3 times more !!!!!

......Price of houses in Perth is about the same in KL .

Price of cars are about 23% cheaper in Perth .

I think more and more people are becoming aware of this Bearish trend.

Developed country by 2020...means High income country!!

Let's look at some as of year 2005 (Financial Times)

USA GNP per capita US$35, 400

UK GNP per capita US$25,510

Australia GNP per capita US$19 ,530

Singapore GNP per capita US$20,690

These are developed countries by income measurement....

Malaysia 's GNP per capita US$3,540

Year 2020..developed country?

Really...a sad story. Worrying Trends, isn't it??

Ringgit sliding further and further under BN.

Recently, I interviewed some fresh graduates applying for jobs with my engineering company.

I accepted two applicants on a starting salary of RM1,600. It struck me as odd that 15 years

ago, I myself started work as a fresh graduate engineer for the same pay.

Indeed, if you compare the salaries of graduates now and 15 or even 20 years ago, you'll find

little difference but that their purchasing power is vastly different. It's the same story when you

compare salaries of shop assistants, office staff, factory workers and others.

To compound the effect of inflation, the ringgit has depreciated greatly against all major currencies. The real income of most Malaysians has moved backwards.

This is why many Malaysians suffer under the petrol hike. The root of the problem is that our real

incomes have shrunk in the face of inflation and depreciated currency.. Malaysians have not been spoiled by subsidy but are unable to move out of the time lock of stagnated and depreciated incomes.

If you compare the per capita incomes of Singapore , Hong Kong , Taiwan and South Korea , they are a few multiples of ours although at independence all these countries were the on the same economic level as Malaysia . We we grouped with them and were called Asia little Tigers. Today all of them have progressed and become 1st World (OECD) except us. We are now compared with second tiered Thailand , Indonesia , Vietnam who also seem to have overtaken us...!

What has gone wrong? We were the rising star of East Asia , a country rich in natural resources with the most promising potential.

The reason is massive corruption, plundering of resources, wastage of funds for huge non-economic projects, anti-public interest deals with politically-linked companies (cronies)and passing-of-the-buck to the man in the street..For example, Hong Kong and Singapore eradicated massive corruption in the 80s-90s with their ICAC and promoted transparency and meritocracy with world standard education to uplift their economies. They now have universities ranked in the World's Top 50 (none in the 80-90s except University Malaya ).

Four decades of NEP where education, economic and employment policies are defined by race ensured that meritocracy took a back seat.

Our university standard has declined and the today best and brightest of our youths emigrate to escape the racial inequility only to contribute to the economies of foreign lands.

The reputation of our judiciary which was held in high esteem worldwide has sunk so low that foreign investors now insist on arbitration in Singapore in case of any dispute.

We also have a slew of oppressive laws such as the ISA, OSA, Uuca and PPPA which stifle free speech and are designed to keep the ruling parties in power.

We have become less attractive to foreign investors and now lag behind our neighbours in Asean for foreign direct investment. Even some corporations who have established themselves here are moving out.

All the economic and social malaise cannot help but affect the value of our currency. The strength of a country's currency is after all, a reflection of its fundamentals.

Furthermore, Bank Negara has a policy of weak ringgit to help exporters, never mind the burden on the common folk. The government is pro-corporation, not pro-rakyat.

While the poor and middle-class are squeezed, an elite group gets breathtakingly rich. We have the distinction of having the worse income disparity in Asean. A re-distribution of wealth is under way from the poor and middle-class to a select group of politically-connected elite.

The end result of this re-distribution will be a small group of super-rich while the majority are pushed into poverty and the middle-class shrinks. This is what happens when the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer.

There is much that is wrong with Malaysia . The responsibility for pulling the country backwards can be laid squarely at the door of the ruling regime. It is BN's mis-governance, racial politics and culture of patronage which has seen the country regress economically and socially.

We seem to be sliding down a slippery slope, further down with each passing year of BN's rule. Another five years of BN rule and we'll be at Indonesia 's standard under Suharto. Another 10 years and we'll be touching the African standard. What a way to greet 2020!!!!

Is there any hope for Malaysia ?

Faced with the reality that BN will never change, many Malaysians desperate for change turn their lonely eyes to Anwar Ibrahim.

Pakatan Raykat has promised to treat all races fairly, to plug wastage, fight corruption, reform the judiciary and make Malaysia more competitive.

But some have questioned whether we can trust Anwar and his loose coalition of disparate parties..

The question is not whether we can trust Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat but whether we can afford not to.

Can we afford another ten years of BN's misrule?

U have the power to do something in GE13, OUR FUTURE IS IN OUR OWN HAND

Thursday, October 01, 2009

SAP Poem in Chinese

SAP 是庞大的,模块是多多的,功能是强大的,搞懂是没门的。

SD 是灵巧的,五脏是俱全的,满足是不能的,报表是经常的。

PP 是复杂的,相同是很少的,mrp是要的,精确是不能的。

MM 是关键的,数据是多多的,做好是稀有的,目前是紧缺的。

FI 是核心的,记账是主要的,工作是轻松的,地位是高高的。

CO 是控制的,与fi是配合的,凭证是很多的,成本是不准的。

ABAP 是必须的,开发是经常的,地位是没有的,作用是点缀的。

BASIS 是装机的,debug是常有的,精通是困难的,abap是兼职的。



QM 是质量的,上的是不多的,思路是奇特的,冲突是必然的。

PM 是见过的,功能是明显的,做做是蛮好的,培训是需要的。

APO 是传说的,上的是没有的,目标是理想的,成功是偶然的。

CRM 是起步的,客户是听说的,用好是没有的,完善是需要的。

BW 是早有的,产品是多样的,需求是渐多的,招人是必要的。


Kick off是要有的,首期是会付的,蓝图是要做的,确认是艰苦的。




Key user是难做的,加班是经常的,工资是不多的,衰老是优先的。


